Route Distances - 'via Head of Bight'

AdelaideCedunaPenongNundrooYalataHead of BightNullarborBorder VillageEuclaMundrabillaMaduraPerth
AdelaideAdelaide 797 874 950 1002 1088 1112 1298 1310 1376 1491 2809
Ceduna 797 Ceduna 77 153 205 291 315 501 513 579 694 2012
Penong 874 77 Penong 76 128 214 238 424 436 502 617 1935
Nundroo 950 153 76 Nundroo 52 138 162 348 360 426 541 1859
Yalata 1002 205 128 52 Yalata 86 110 296 308 374 489 1807
Head of Bight 1088 291 214 138 86 Head of Bight 24 210 222 288 403 1721
Nullarbor 1112 315 238 162 110 24 Nullarbor 186 198 264 379 1697
Border Village 1298 501 424 348 296 210 186 Border Village 12 78 193 1511
Eucla 1310 513 436 360 308 222 198 12 Eucla 66 181 1499
Mundrabilla 1376 579 502 426 374 288 264 78 66 Mundrabilla 115 1433
Madura 1491 694 617 541 489 403 379 193 181 115 Madura 1318
Perth 2809 2012 1935 1859 1807 1721 1697 1511 1499 1433 1318 Perth

alternative route distances - [Direct]

Click Below For Nullarbor Net's Across Australia Regional Maps
Pt Augusta Kimba Streaky Bay Ceduna Nullarbor Eucla Kalgoorlie